Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 7/15/2024 - 6:00 PM
Category: Personnel
Type: Action
Subject: Consider Approval of Overload Stipends
District Goals:
Objective #2: Human Resources
Provide professional growth and improvement opportunities for all teachers, principals, paraprofessionals and other school leaders to further a high quality education for all students. * Licensure/Experience of staff; * Recruitment and Retention; * Professional Development; * Absenteeism
Objective #6: Finance & Operations
Address ongoing financial challenges by re-examining system processes for efficiencies that can drive resources into our core purpose of student learning. * Fund Balance and Bond Rating * Balanced Budget * Efficient Operations
File Attachment:
Memo for Additional Teacher Overload Stipends.pdf
Summary: RASD administrators recommend an overload stipend of $4,600 for each of the two special education teachers assigned to the new alternative school. Additionally, an overload stipend is recommended for the teacher of the Crossroad alternative program.
Budgetary Impact: The stipends totaling $13,800, along with related fringe benefits, were included in the initial budget planning for the 2024-2025 school year. Expenses for the Alternative School will be recorded in the Special Education Fund (27), while expenses for the Crossroad Program will be recorded in the General Operations Fund (10).
Recommendation: I move to approve an overload stipend of $4,600 for each of the two special education teachers assigned to the alternative school and the teacher of the Crossroad alternative program as presented.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Jonah Adams - Business Manager
Signed By:
Mary Whitrock (SUPT) - Superintendent
Vote Results:

Original Motion
Member Denise Martinez Moved, Member Katie Grady seconded to approve the Original motion 'I move to approve an overload stipend of $4,600 for each of the two special education teachers assigned to the alternative school and the teacher of the Crossroad alternative program as presented.'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 8 Nay: 0.
The motion Carried 8 - 0
Tom Stellmacher     Yes
Gary Rodman     Yes
Josh Rieder     Yes
Betsy Heffernan     Yes
Lori Machmueller     Yes
Denise Martinez     Yes
Kelly Nielsen     Yes
Katie Grady     Yes